affiliate marketing on Instagram

Example of affiliate marketing on Instagram

affiliate marketing on Instagram

One of the most attractive ways to make money online without capital and easy is to use the affiliate marketing method on Instagram. If you are not familiar with this model of earning money online, read on to find out about this business model and some examples of sales collaboration on Instagram. By reviewing and analyzing the sample of affiliate marketing on Instagram, both Iranian and foreign, you will get a better view of these methods of cooperation in sales.

Affiliate marketing on Instagram, if done right, is profitable for both online business owners and executives. According to Neil Patel, a digital marketing expert, a powerful affiliate company can make between $ 10,000 and $ 400,000 a year.

Naturally, we do not want to promise you about the revenue potential of this work, because many factors play a role in determining how much money you earn from the affiliate marketing system. However, these figures speak for themselves: Affiliate marketing on Instagram, especially for people who do not have the initial capital to set up an online store on Instagram, can be profitable.

You do not necessarily need a site with strong SEO to reap the benefits of affiliate marketing.

It is interesting to know that the Diane Shop collection is a clear example of a business that has used the huge potential of social networks to sell products.

In the following, by introducing the example of affiliate marketing on Iranian Instagram, you will better understand this way of earning money. Good influencers have a large audience that they trust and usually follow their advice to buy and use a variety of services.

In this article, we will examine the affiliate marketing on Instagram, one of the largest social networks in the world, which is one of the sub-branches of Instagram marketing. Click on the link for more information about marketing on Instagram.

Social networking is something that online commerce can not ignore for business development. According to statistics, it is estimated that 3.6 billion people worldwide will use social networks by 2020. This number is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.

In other words, the audience you are trying to reach is almost certainly present on social media. This means that social media provides an amazing opportunity for businesses and affiliate marketing companies.

Before ending the topic of increasing sales through activity on Instagram, I want you to forget the negative professions that some people make about the marketing of affiliate marketing companies on Instagram.

The vast majority of merchants and affiliate marketing companies on Instagram are involved in credible marketing methods and value the trust of their audience in making a quick sale.

What are the benefits of affiliate marketing on Instagram?

Out of all the existing social networks, why do we choose affiliate marketing on Instagram?

The advantage of using Instagram for sales is that there are currently more than one billion monthly users on Instagram. This means that Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with only Facebook and YouTube as its only serious competitors.
More than two-thirds of all Instagram users are under 34 years old. This is especially appealing to marketers targeting this demographic information – which is well worth it because the 18- to 34-year-olds have $ 1.3 trillion in purchasing power each year.
By using affiliate marketing on Instagram, companies can increase website traffic, increase awareness and engage with their brand. By working with affiliates and influential companies, their access can be significantly increased.

Choosing the right affiliate marketing platform on Instagram

If you are new to affiliate marketing on Instagram, you may be wondering which affiliate marketing programs to join. Do not panic – the options may seem endless, but I have prepared this guide to help you choose the best option for you:

  • Learn more about the best affiliate marketing sites and ask others.
  • Choose companies with products that you have already used and like.
  • Look for reasonable commission rates to optimize your revenue.
  • I advise you not to expand your affiliate marketing efforts on Instagram too much. Focus on just one or two programs to get started.

Solve the problem of Instagram being “single link”

Affiliate marketing on Instagram can be problematic for marketers because you can not insert a clickable link in the image title. You can also add just one clickable link to your Instagram biography.

Fortunately, linking with tools like and Linktree is an easy way to fix this. Adding one of these tools to your page allows you to create a simple URL that has a landing page that hosts all of your links. Here’s an example of how to display a simple Linktree page:

As an affiliate marketing company on Instagram, you can use a link tool for all your links. When you have more than 10,000 followers, you can use the “swipe up to enter landing page” function to add a direct link to your Stories Instagram.

Promote your affiliate marketing on Instagram

If you join an affiliate marketing program on Instagram, your audience and commissions are increasing day by day; Congratulations! Now what do you think is the next step? It’s time to dump her and move on.

If you are using the Instagram sales revenue model, you can use it alongside a marketing system like Wishpond.

This means you can learn more about your audience and categorize them based on data. By using contact information, age and behavior about your site visitors and customers, you can make better decisions about them and their preferences.

For example, suppose you have the email address of people who visit your site or Instagram page. You can use this data to improve your online advertising. Because this way you can also get marketing via email or email marketing.

For example, in Instagram Affiliate Marketing, if someone clicks on one of your affiliate marketing links on Instagram but does not make a purchase, you can send them an “Abandoned Shopping Cart” email to encourage them to make a purchase.

If someone buys a particular product through one of your affiliate links, you can use this information to sell related products in the future.

For example, let’s say you are in the tech industry and someone buys a laptop. You can use this data to market products such as mice, keyboards, ports, and laptop accessories.

You may also want to start investing in promotional posts on Instagram.

This method can put your content in front of a much wider audience.

Even a relatively small financial investment can dramatically enhance your interactions and, at best, your commissions. To use this method, you need to connect your Instagram account with Facebook and create an ad through the Facebook Ad Manager system.

The main point about increasing the effectiveness of advertising on Instagram is how to adjust the parameters of the audience.

Instagram lets you define your audience by population, location, and area of ​​interest, so you can choose exactly who you target.

If you wish, you can even run more than one campaign and use it to target different segments of your audience.

You can use the data collected through your affiliate marketing tracking system to determine what is most important to your audience and what kind of link they are most likely to click on.

5 examples of affiliate marketing on Instagram:

Now that you know how affiliate marketing on Instagram is and how you got started, let’s take a look at some examples of great sales collaboration on Instagram. So if you are looking for an example and a page to be inspired by it, stay tuned for the rest of this article.

Erica Ligenza

This Instagram page is an example of affiliate marketing on Instagram. The main reasons that made this page successful are:

First, when Erica Ligenza, an influential beauty, mentions her 90,000+ followers as her friends, she instills a friendly feeling in her audience. This automatically increases the connection between him and his followers and the likelihood that his followers will greatly increase his recommendation to buy this product. It is good to know that people prefer to buy from people they love and trust, so to make a connection Real time.
Erica has also chosen a special hashtag for companies that have participated in their affiliate program. As a result, by searching the hashtag, his audience can easily find the influence of this influencer to buy from this collection.
The feeling of urgency was another interesting point that this person used to attract the attention of his audience. By saying “today” is the last day of sales, Erica pushes them to act faster. This is a classic example of FOMO or the fear of losing in action. Remember that if you tell your customers they have a limited amount of time to do this, they are more likely to take action.
Finally, the 3-step guide written in the caption was a good point. With a step-by-step guide, Erica shows its followers how to use products accurately. This trick increases people’s motivation to buy.

Anna Everywhere

Want the secret to affiliate marketing success on Instagram? Instagram posts do not have to be directly about promotional products!

anna.everywhere is an example of cooperation in selling Instagram with the said secret.

Anna shows her son wearing the clothes he is promoting. But nowhere in the post is there any direct talk about baby clothes. Instead, Anna talks about her son Dylan and how he interacts with pets.

Just click on the link and you will find out that he is promoting children’s clothes from Ralph Lauren, Sachs, Mason and Amazon. This is a great example of affiliate marketing in an Instagram post!

Another reason for the success of this page is the eye-catching image and attractive content.

Anna increases the sense of trust in her audience by inserting a picture of her little boy and a rabbit. In addition, this content tells a story and offers some advice to parents who do not know much about how their children interact with animals.

Instagramers who decide to go this route need to make sure that their captions are interesting enough to make readers read to the end where the ad link is.

Telling a story, sharing some tips, or commenting on a topic are all great ways to deliver compelling content.

This image should also be eye-catching and relevant. If you fail to do either, followers will not even spend as much time clicking on the link.


This Instagram post, Jenn, is one of the most influential people in the field of fashion with very good tips. Instead of just taking pictures of her Creme Shop lipstick, Jen has gone a step further and created a complete visual content with herself as a model.

What can you learn from this post about affiliate marketing on Instagram? The concept behind the image must be consistent with the product you are promoting. Take the time to think about using color, settings, and how to edit content.

In this example of affiliate marketing on Instagram, content captioning is simple – it talks about the product and its salient features.

It is short, but it gives the audience what they need. In addition, the use of a corresponding emoticon adds a funny tone to the caption, which catches the attention of Jenn’s young audience.

It should be noted that he uses his Instagram account to advertise his Youtube channel. If you’re active on Youtube and you advertise products there, this is another way to increase traffic and revenue.

Mariano Di Vaio and Hair Bello

It is not always necessary to use long captions to attract the attention of your audience. This photo caption is really short by one of the fashion influencers, Mario Di Vaio.

Writing an attractive caption is one of the tricks to attract the audience. It also shows that he is promoting a product that he is really interested in.

Using a discount code for his followers is also a good way. Discount codes are a great way to attract followers and encourage them to click on that link and buy the product.

Your clicks and conversion rate can be increased by emphasizing that the discount is only available for a limited time.

Laura Emily and Spicentice

This Instagram post by British influencer Laura Emilyx is an example of Instagram affiliate marketing in the field of food. Laura promotes the ingredients she uses by presenting a tempting home-made meal.

By sharing accurate information about the ingredients he uses, he makes it easy for his followers to find exactly what they need to prepare the same recipe at home.

The use of related hashtags is another noteworthy point. With hashtags, Laura categorizes her posts and helps her target audience find relevant content faster; So anyone looking for specific content related to that brand will get it quickly.

Example of cooperation in sales on Instagram: Iranian example

As mentioned, affiliate marketing on Instagram is a process in which the commission or the same internet income is obtained by increasing sales for another person or company. Using emotion to highlight the value of an audience-related product or service is a powerful way to build new connections, influence, and passive revenue.

Prior to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, affiliate marketing focused primarily on SEO and advertising to increase sales and revenue through increased site traffic.

All of this is still important, but social media has proven to be a great way to reach a large audience for free.

Before this method was used in Iran, several examples of affiliate marketing on Instagram were tested on the pages of foreign celebrities and the results were very positive.

In Iran, Diane Affilite is a leader in this field with the cooperation system in Instagram sales. We will review the Iranian examples of affiliate marketing on Instagram below.


One of the good examples in the field of sales cooperation in Instagram is Biko Page. An internal page in the field of clothing sales from which you can easily buy clothes. With more than 770,000 followers, this page can earn a good income from affiliate marketing on Instagram by selling products.

In addition to clothing, due to its wide range of audiences, it has recently added sales of glasses, shoes and other items to its page.

One of the advantages of Biko posts is very short and attractive jackets. It has also made the work of the audience very easy by putting the price in the caption.


Another example of Diane Affiliate’s Instagram sales collaboration in this area is Bicoplus. The great success of Biko Page led us to launch another page called Biko Plus.

In this page, what is very good is the presence of useful highlights at the top of the page. These highlights answer all the questions well and also the highlights are dedicated to customer satisfaction.


Another example of collaboration in sales on Instagram is Page Fact Offer. This page focuses on selling shoes. One of the problems in buying shoes online is not choosing the right size!

In this page, which is an example of affiliate marketing on Instagram, this problem has been completely solved, and even if you receive a shoe that has a different size, a reference will be sent immediately and a shoe the size of your foot will be sent.

With nearly 1 million followers after a good sale in the field of shoes, this page has also activated other sections such as the sale of glasses and clothes.


Diane Boutique’s page is one of the oldest pages in the field of ketone and clothing sales, which has more than one million followers.

One of the good advantages of Page is the use of live model in posts. Experience has shown that having a model that wears those shoes and clothes increases the sales of that product. Except for this, all the benefits of the previous three pages can be clearly seen in this page.

Browse the tips we learned by reviewing a few examples of sales collaboration on Instagram

  • One of the tips of affiliate marketing on Instagram is how to express yourself. Informal tone is usually best when it comes to casual expression. This tone can help you a lot, especially if you have a young audience.
  • Another important point of affiliate marketing on Instagram is hashtags. Make sure you use relevant hashtags to get your content to your target audience.
  • Captions are not always long, but they should be interesting enough for followers to read where the link is.
  • Telling a story, giving advice or how to work, or sharing your opinion on a topic are all great ways to increase engagement.
  • Use special offers and discounts on Instagram Affiliate Marketing to encourage customers to buy. It is better if this discount is only available for a limited time.


Affiliate marketing on Instagram is a great way to make money through Instagram influencers, YouTubers and other influential people on other social networks. Anyone with a good number of online followers and some marketing skills can choose affiliate marketing on Instagram to earn good money.

Despite the limitations of being a single link in the bio, Instagram is an extraordinary platform for affiliate marketing due to its potential to interact and build real relationships with its audience. Fortunately, with the advent of link tools, you are no longer limited to the one-link rule of a social network.

One thing to be aware of: Success in affiliate marketing on Instagram does not happen overnight unless you already have a large audience. I know marketers who took about three months to make their first sale, and this is not unusual. But with hard work, perseverance, and sales collaboration tricks to increase sales, some of which were covered in this article, there’s no reason you can’t succeed with affiliate marketing on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does affiliate marketing work on Instagram?

Find an affiliate marketing program on Instagram and join it.
Choose your suggestions for advertising.
Receive a unique affiliate link for each offer.
Share the links on your blog, social media or website.
Get a commission every time someone uses your links to buy.

How Much Money Does Affiliate Marketing Make?

Income is not fixed. It all depends on your product and sales strategy. Of course, the more you try and spend more time introducing your Instagram page, the better the results will be.

Do I need a website for affiliate marketing on Instagram?

No. For affiliate marketing on Instagram, you do not need to have a website, you just need visitors or contacts who may be on your YouTube, Instagram or Facebook channel.

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